on the Internet
section on this website is now divided in two parts.
- How to be prepared in wake an attack by terrorists? Click here to read.
- If you like stocks and trading, here are few things for you:
* Best Stock Market
Articles blog
* If you are looking to learn stock trading, the best book out there is...well, it is my
book- Profit From Prices LOL
* Best stock price charts are available at
* Keeping track of stocks, stock prices and portfolios- I get what I
need at Yahoo! Finance
- If you want to visit/settle in the USA, look at the Path
to the USA website.
- If you need to convert a file from one format to another, please visit You can
conver your PDF into WORD or a .Mov file into mpeg or almost anyting.
- Create passport photos
online Online Passport Photo is the Internet passport photos booth,
empowering people around the world to use technology to get valid
passport photos online for less. We put an end to the passport photo
rip-off - join our revolution today by following 3 simple steps for
getting passport photos
for less!
- If you want to find out about natural beauty in America, here is my
favorite National Park Service (NPS) website.
* If you are looking to take hike this week-end, go visit great local
hikes or better look at the hiking group I belong to
Sometimes we want to email/share URLs with friends for driving directions
etc or we need to remember URLs but that is too long! Do not waste your
brain cells!! Use the following box to make your long URLs really short:
Want to add
your favorite site or a nice deal! Pls email